Inversion of Control


Inversion of Control (IoC) is a software design pattern that inverts the resposibility of the ownership and creation of dependencies. It advocates for removing such direct dependencies from user code, and pushing the flow of control out into a separate library or process.

Jabberwocky has a tight integration with Autofac, a library that enables Dependency Injection (DI, a specific form of IoC).

In order to improve upon the experience when working within these frameworks, Jabberwocky provides a few extensions and services to greatly ease the burden of development.

Autowired Services

One of the tedious parts of using DI frameworks is in registering your dependencies.

Consider the following code, which is standard for most DI Containers (like Autofac):

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

We can reduce the amount of boilerplate code required (like above) by using the provided AutowireServiceAttribute.

You can decorate your concrete classes with this attribute, and you can replace all of the builder.RegisterType<> calls with a single line:


What this does is automatically scan the provided assemblies, and for each type that is decorated with AutowireServiceAttribute, Jabberwocky with automatically register that type as each of its implemented interfaces.

So given a service with two interfaces, decorated with the AutowireServiceAttribute:

public class MyService : IMyService, IAnotherService
        // Implementation elided

This would be equivalent to registering the following manually:



The AutowireServiceAttribute class has a few optional parameters that can be supplied to it:

  • Scope: This represents the Lifetime Scope of the registration
  • IsAggregateService: Whether or not the registration is for an Aggregate Service

Scope can have one of the following assignments:

  • Default: This has transient behavior; ie. one instance per dependency
  • PerScope: An instance per parent resolution scope
  • PerRequest: For web-based scenarios; instance per web request
  • NoTracking: Externally owned; will not be tracked by the container
  • SingleInstance: Singleton semantics

For more information on lifetime scopes in Autofac, take a look at the documentation here.

IsAggregateService is a special case, and should be used on interface definitions. It registers that a given interface as an aggregate service, which you can read more about here.