Sitecore IntegrationΒΆ

When the Jabberwocky.Glass package is imported, you’ll have access to the ContainerBuilder extension method: builder.RegisterCacheServices().


If you followed the Quickstart, then you should already have this registered.

When cache services have been registered with Autofac by calling the extension method above, then the ICacheProvider (and ISyncCacheProvider/IAsyncCacheProvider) will have been registered for you.

Included as part of this registration is a decorator that will wrap the underlying cache provider, and provide Sitecore specific behavior. By default, the underlying cache provider is the SiteCache.

This behavior is provided by the SitecoreCacheDecorator class, and it ensures that all cache calls works seamlessly with Sitecore, by providing the following services:

  1. Cache keys will automatically vary by Sitecore Context parameters:
    • Language
    • Database
    • Site Name
  2. Caching will only occur in the web database context
    • The cache acts as a ‘no-op’ when in the master context.
  3. The Cache will automatically clear on publish